Thursday, March 10, 2011

GreenPois0n without Internet Connection

Step 1: Turned off anti-virus

Step 2: Added the following value to the system environment variables: http_proxy=username:password@proxyserver:port


Note: The proxy stuff is only needed when your internet connection runs through a proxy server, eg.

Step 3: Downloaded the firmware for my OS. Got it from here:

Step 4: Changed the .ipsw extension to .zip

Step 5: Unzipped it and pulled out the two files: iBSS.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu and kernelcache.release.n88

Step 6: Put the two files into the folder where the Greenpoison exe lives.

Step 7: Open a command prompt, execute greenpoison.exe from there.

Step 8: Followed the prompts on the screen.

PS: After tried above mentioned method made .ipsw to .zip extracted the files "iBSS.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu" and "kernelcache.release.n90" into Greenpois0n's directory, if Greenpois0n still ran failed, a working solution is to change you internet connection ( go to a net cafe, use wifi somewhere else.. ). This worked for me.



Anonymous said...

Hello, I would like to know how to do it "without" the internet! I have the IPSW file. Since when did "going through a proxy" qualify as "not though the internet"?

indraf said...

if you already have ipsw, you don't need internet connection at all, just follow step 4 - 7.

since greenpois0n doesn't have manual proxy feature, then you need an environment proxy.
this step needed when you update using internet and run through a proxy.